Book an appointment
See the fee page for our new pricing and for guidelines on which appointment type is appropriate for you.
When booking online, please try to pick the appointment type that matches what you are after. If you have multiple concerns, ALWAYS pick the In-Clinic, Standard appointment type.
Telehealth appointments
These appointments now have a private fee. Please call the clinic during office hours to book and prepay for your appointment.
Re-scheduling appointments / cancellations and no-shows
Please provide at least 2 hrs of notice for appointment time changes, otherwise it becomes difficult to fill that appointment time. Non attendance or late changes will be result in a $40 fee to be paid before your next visit.
Repeat prescriptions
All scripts, including repeat scripts require an appointment with a doctor.
Reports for pathology and other investigations
Your doctor will contact you if any of your investigation results are abnormal. If you wish to discuss or receive a copy of any of your investigations, please make an appointment with the doctor.
Booking appointments using our webpage
You can book online at any time, using the Book appointment button on this page.
First time users of the MediRecords online booking system
You may be already registered with the provider of our booking system from a previous clinic, so first try booking in using your personal details - after selecting your appointment time, click on “skip this step by logging in”.
Reset your password if you have forgotten your password.
If it is your first time using the system, ensure you receive 2 text messages after you have filled in your details. The first message confirms your mobile number, the second your appointment time & date.
Subsequent online bookings
After selecting your appointment time click on “skip this step by logging in”.
If you have forgotten your login details, reset your password. Your appointment has been successfully created when you receive a text message confirming your appointment time & date.
If instead of logging in, you choose to re-enter your details, take care not to enter different details as you may create a new account. You will know a new account was created if the text message you receive confirms your phone number rather than your appointment time. If that happens, follow the prompts until you receive the text message confirming your appointment time. When you come in for your appointment, tell our staff and we will delete duplicate accounts.
How do I know my online appointment was successfully made?
When you receive a text message confirming your appointment time & date.
Fees updated November 2023
All appointments have a private fee - see our Fees page for details. Please pick appropriate appt type & briefly note your appointment reason / required vaccines. If there is not an appt type that matches your reason, pick the In-Clinic, Standard appointment. Telehealth appts can not be made online. Please call the clinic during office hours to book and prepay for that appointment.